March 6th Update
Friday, March 6th 2020
It’s hard to believe that March is here! This second term is flying by so quickly!
Just a reminder that Scholastic orders are due on Monday - if you want those books to arrive before Spring Break!
Thank you parents for your wonderful support in helping the grade 3s get materials and build their musical instruments. They had a wonderful time and really enjoyed sharing them with their classmates.
In Math we continued our division practice - connecting division problems to equal groups of repeated addition. There will be a quiz on Monday! Make sure your child is practicing so they will recognize whether a question is asking how many sets there are, or how many dots in each set! Here’s some questions from the quiz:
Our Teacher’s Pet workshop is on Monday! Please make sure you have paid for the program - $16. You can easily check by logging into your PowerSchool account.
We started reading Matilda this week! It’s one of my favourite books from when I was a grade 3 student, and I love sharing it every year with my class. If you read it as a child, this could be a great discussion for you and your child to share!
Just a note about the next Hot Lunch - Wok Box orders are due in over Spring Break, so I would log in before that to order. (I know I would forget otherwise 😃) And Alberta Health Services has released a letter about the CoronaVirus (COVID-19). You can read it here.
Check out the upcoming dates for some important events:
March 9 - Teacher’s Pet ($16), and Scholastic orders due
March 13 - Winter Sports Day
March 17 - St. Patrick’s Day (wear green!)
March 18 - 3A Pajama Day!
March 19 - Early Dismissal 1:30pm, Parent-Teacher Conferences 2:30-4:30pm, 5:30-8:00pm
March 20 - Parent-Teacher Conferences (no classes) 9:00am-12:30pm
March 23-27 SPRING BREAK!
March 30 - Classes resume
April 10 - Good Friday, no school
April 13 - PD Day, no classes
April 23 - Grade 3 Art Gallery (evening event)
Have a wonderful weekend!
Mrs. Sinden
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