Grade 3 in February!
Friday, February 28th 2020
Thank you everyone for an amazing week in Grade 3! Our Assembly was so successful and our students worked very hard to get everything done in time! Congratulations kids!
Tomorrow is LEAP DAY! So make sure you do something special!
Students have been working on building musical instruments with recycled materials for our Science Hearing & Sound unit! Please make sure your student brings in materials for Monday as they will have time to work on their projects then! They are due for assessment by Friday, March 3rd!
This week in Social Studies we finished our Tunisian Mosque inspired watercolour paintings. We also read about services in each of the countries. It was surprising to read that some villages didn’t have running water or electricity! We are so lucky to live in Canada.
In Math this week we started our Division unit! We worked on making equal groups and using arrays to solve division questions. Try out a few questions on IXL math this weekend to see what we are doing!
In Literacy we have started some story writing! We worked on good beginnings using action, sound, dialogue, or questions. We also planned some interesting characters and settings, and came up with a problem for our stories. Hopefully they will be done to share with you at Conferences in March!
Check out the upcoming dates for some important events:
March 6 - CAD day
March 9 - Teacher’s Pet ($16), and Scholastic orders due
March 17 - St. Patrick’s Day (wear green!)
March 18 - 3A Pajama Day!
March 19 - Early Dismissal, Parent-Teacher Conferences
March 20 - Parent-Teacher Conferences (no classes)
March 23-27 SPRING BREAK!
April 10 - Good Friday, no school
April 13 - PD Day, no classes
April 23 - Grade 3 Art Gallery (evening event)
Have a wonderful weekend!
Mrs. Sinden
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