Quick Update

Thank you to all who came out to Parent-Teacher conferences!

I will have a longer post tomorrow, but here are the important notices for today:
  1. Scholastic Orders are due tomorrow. Please send them in to me, or you can place an order online through scholastic.ca (if you order $30+, you can get a free book online!)
  2. The Terry Fox Run is scheduled tomorrow! Please make sure your child is dressed appropriately for the weather! It will be cold. If it is cancelled, there will be an update.
  3. Big Box of Cards order forms are due Monday, September 30th! If you will not be ordering any, please have your child let me know. Also, if you keep the box sent home with your child your account will be charge $33! So return the box if you do not wish to pay for it. 
Thank you!! Email me at casinden@cbe.ab.ca if you have questions!

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